Why go for an apprenticeship?

Choosing an apprenticeship has several advantages for apprentices. Today, it is the path to excellence. Participate in a paid training, obtain a recognized diploma, teach a trade, obtain experience and facilitate integration into the professional world... More and more young people between the ages of 16 and 29 are starting to follow an apprenticeship.

What is learning?

Apprenticeship is a form of pre-service training for young people aged 16 to 29. It combines theoretical training provided by the apprentice training center and practical training provided by the employer. Apprenticeship allows you to improve your skills while gaining work experience. The aim of apprenticeship training is to obtain a State diploma or a professional title registered in the national archives of professional certifications. This training is carried out in accordance with the employment contract and under the supervision of the apprenticeship master in the company.

The benefits of learning

The experience provided by apprenticeship training is a real plus for getting a job after graduation. Unlike students who only receive theoretical training throughout the course, apprentices will have a variety of experiences in the company. These personal details are highly sought after by the company, as the apprentice has proven skills and knows how the company works. The important assets highlighted on your CV can give the apprentice's employer confidence. Another advantage is that apprentices are paid. Throughout the training course, the apprentice's pay is proportional to the time he or she has spent in the company. He was not paid for his time in class. He is therefore paid during his studies, which can meet his minimum needs. Apprentices' pay is linked to their age and year of training. If the salary is lower than that of an employee, the apprentice will benefit from the same social and regulatory advantages that apply to all employees of the company. The school fees are paid by the company that recruits the apprentices. Here again, this is different from non-apprentices, and is a significant advantage: non- apprentices must pay a registration fee that is more or less high depending on the establishment they choose.

A real professional experience

On a sandwich course basis, whether it's an apprenticeship or a professional contract, you can divide your time between the training center and the company that welcomes you. This is a perfect way to put what you have learned into practice right away with the support of your instructor. In practice, you will find the jobs in engineering, consulting, digital or event management and get acquainted with the problems that need to be solved. Professionals in this field work alongside your studies and ensure that you are on the right track; and develop your project when necessary.

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