Studying abroad: practical information

Going to study abroad excites many students. Apart from the life experiences and unforgettable adventures, studying abroad helps to improve one's resume and have an edge over others. However, it is not an easy affair as it requires good preparation and great enthusiasm on the part of the student. Good anticipation remains the key to success.

Which destination are you interested in?

The first thing to make up your mind about is the destination: Europe, America, Africa, Asia, etc. It is according to the chosen country that the preparation and the steps for the paperwork depend. Ask yourself which country attracts you the most and why? Is the university you are going to attend renowned in the field you wish to study? Once you have decided on your field of study, you can decide on your destination. Once you have chosen your destination, find out about the country and the host cities: the way of life of the population, their culture, the means of transport, the neighborhoods to avoid, etc. so as not to fall into a big surprise if ever the local lifestyle differs totally from yours.

What are the good records to provide in advance?

Although the preparation of the administrative papers required for your registration is insurmountable and a real headache, the administrative specificities of the chosen country remain a big deal. Even if you are enrolled in an institution, the passport, visa, health insurance and the vaccination pass remain the essential items that validate your departure. The passport and visa are mandatory. Remember to plan ahead because applying for a visa is sometimes complicated, especially for a student visa. It requires fees, long waits, interviews at the embassy, etc. The administrative steps for your trip should not be taken lightly.

What are the small mistakes to avoid?

When you are going to study abroad, there are a few pitfalls to avoid. The most crucial is the question of accommodation. Check with your universities for information on university residences or consult international housing platforms to help you find a place to live before you arrive at your destination. Don't risk it with last minute research because with the rush and anxiety, you may find yourself in a scam. Another common mistake is to spend a lot of time on odd jobs once you arrive in  the country. Sure, you need money and part-time work helps you pay for your small needs, but you should not neglect your academic life in exchange for jobs. Focus on your professional career and leave the part-time job for the off hours.

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